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Dental Consent Forms

What are Dental Consent Forms and Why They Matter

Dental consent forms are highly important and the more that a patient knows about them, the better informed they will be when looking them over. Dental consent forms are used by dentists in order to obtain legal, written consent from patients to perform a dental procedure.

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The Benefits and Risks

The information on a dental consent form also subsequently enables patients to make an informed decision on their treatment. Particularly in times of financial stresses or as it pertains to complicated dental procedures, these forms can hold great significance for both patient and dentist.

What information is included on a dental consent form may vary but generally it may include the reason that treatment is necessary, the mode of treatment or options available to the patient, any alternative treatments that may be available, the benefits and risks involved in the decision-making process, and identification of the dentist performing the procedure. It is ethically required for a dentist, patient, and a witness to date and sign these forms. If a patient is unable to give consent, dentists may obtain consent from a legally authorized person.

What a Dental Practice Needs to Know About Dental Consent?

Legally speaking, the information that these consent forms outline are meant to protect both the dentist and patient. It puts all parties at ease with written documentation of the procedures that are about to be performed and allows the patient an opportunity to either agree or refuse.
What a patient needs to know about dentist consent forms is that anything they wish to have in writing or any questions that they may need answered regarding the procedures outlined should be documented in these forms. As a patient, if you are unfamiliar with a practice or are seeking emergency treatment, no matter the extent of the treatment, you should be given a dentist consent form. This way, if there is a complaint or a complication, all parties have written documentation that the patient did consent and what the patient consented to.

What a dental practice needs to know about dental consent forms is that should a patient be unhappy with the dental work completed and choose to pursue legal action against your practice, written consent forms should be there to back up any claims and to establish credibility of any claims.


A Dental Consent Form

As a patient, even if you have a strong, trusted relationship with your dentist of many years, it still makes sense and should not be a surprise when you ask to see a dental consent form. If not provided anything in writing, a patient should certainly ask for such forms and such written information. If a dentist has not provided a dental consent form and there were complications with your treatment, you as a patient may be able to successfully pursue legal action or to successfully file a complaint against a practice.

Can You Refuse The Treatment?

In addition, if reading a consent form, you as a patient discover an aspect of treatment that you are unclear on and/or wish not to provide consent to, you are allowed to refuse. As a patient, you have the right to refuse all or a portion of the treatment recommended.

We are a Family-Friendly Practice

At our dental office, we provide family dentistry services. Toronto and Barrie dentist, Dr. Adam Chapnick, works with every child to build trust and comfort throughout the entire dental visit process.

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