Candidates For Implants
Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

Dental Implants are often recommended when you have lost teeth. Although there are other restorations like dentures and bridges to consider, dental implants have come a long way to become the tooth replacement method that people prefer. Unlike the traditional restorations, implants will remain in your mouth for as long as you want without exposing you to any infections. This is because the medical grade titanium that is used to manufacture implants is biocompatible. Furthermore, implants are very stable. Unfortunately, not everyone is a good candidate for implants. Below are a few factors that your dentist may want to review in order to determine if this is a suitable treatment for you.
Are you looking for new teeth-in-a-day to transform your loose teeth or old dentures into a confidence-boosting smile? If so, Dr. Adam Chapnick, a renowned cosmetic dentist in Toronto, is here for you. We will make sure your self-esteem remains high as you improve your social connections. The immediately functional Toronto cosmetic dentistry we provide will get you talking, smiling, and laughing without any worries.
Are You Undergoing Any Cancer Treatment?
Your dentist may not recommend having implants if you suffer from a cancer like Leukemia, which starts on the bone marrow and hampers the body’s ability to fight infection. Patients who are undergoing chemotherapy may not be good candidates for dental implants because this treatment exposes one to reduced levels of calcium in the body. Anyone undergoing radiation therapy may also not qualify for implants because this treatment hinders bone regrowth making it difficult for the implants to work well.
Do You Suffer From Any Chronic Illness?
Your dentist may want to know if you suffer from any chronic illness and how this may interfere with your candidacy for dental implants. A good example is a condition like diabetes. Diabetes patients have slow tissue repair. However, if you take your medication and are able to manage the condition, your dentist may still recommend implants. Implants are not recommended for people who suffer from autoimmune diseases because the body may attack the implant by perceiving it as a foreign object. If you take immunosuppressant medications, then you are more likely to get an infection after receiving this kind of restoration. Dentists also do not recommend this procedure to be done when you have a chronic heart condition. You need to disclose your health status to your dentist including any medication you are taking so that he/she can assess your candidacy for dental implants.
Do You Smoke?
Tobacco smoking not only puts you at risk of serious diseases like lung cancer but also stains your teeth and exposes you to a host of periodontal diseases. Gum disease is bad if you have implants; it could make your body reject the implants instantly. Furthermore, smoking exposes you to the risk of infection because of the toxic products like nicotine and hydrogen cyanide that are released when you smoke. Your dentist will first advice you to quit smoking prior to having any of the restorations commonly used.
Do You Need Dental Implants?
There are other health issues and lifestyle choices that may interfere with your candidacy for implants. It’s always best to speak to your dentist and let him/her assess your individual needs. If you are in doubt about a medication or condition that you have, speak to the dentist about it and about any side effects that you should be aware of. They have just the right experience and qualifications to help you make the best decision.
We are a Family-Friendly Practice
At our dental office, we provide family dentistry services. Toronto and Barrie dentist, Dr. Adam Chapnick, works with every child to build trust and comfort throughout the entire dental visit process.